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Lunar Eclipse

Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo
Free Yourself
Nurture The Truth Within
January 31st 2018

Have we been lying to ourselves? Refusing to remember the truth that exploded in our hearts during the months that preceded last August? Something happened then, the truth was raw, our inner and outer veils came down and as hard as it may have been, we got to feel and remember the underlying sadness. Many of us experienced it and washed away all worries through tears of release. Some got through with ritual and prayer. Others paid their way by accepting endings that led to wonderful beginnings and there were some, (like me) who delayed the rightful action and are now being confronted to let Mother Nature lead.

On the 31st of January 2018 at 17:53 New Delhi time, a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will take place and command our skies. It is said to peak at around 18:59 New Delhi time and this anticipated phenomena will last approximately 3 hours and 45 minutes.

The influential energies have been with us for some months now and will continue to influence us for the initial portion of the year. Depending on where the light of this Full Moon in Leo sits in your birth map, it will determine a lot about how you will be impacted personally. You should also take any Aquarian placements into account and work with the degrees of this Full Moon and upcoming New Moon in Aquarius/Solar Eclipse to deliberate your predictions.

The Heart of IT

The Oxford dictionary meaning for the word Man is…”Human beings in general; the human race.”

….We human beings in general, also considered as MAN, with our top of the food-chain status here on Earth, still marching away in a body that carries over 100,000 kilometres of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries, are actually capable of so much more than simply pumping away 1 million barrels of blood, during a single lifetime!  Yes….you heard me, we are producing around 600 millilitres of saliva each day and probably not even noticing it!

So then…the magical question is “what for?” …why all this activity to keep a human body functioning? Well….the general person would probably only ponder over this question a few times in one lifetime. Normally, the depth of thought comes from health complications, losing something we love or perhaps being high on a meditative drug. Whatever the case, do we even thank the heart that beats around 35 million times a year to ensure we are breathing? And…what is it that stops us from experiencing the 300 kilometres an hour message, which travels from our brain through our nerves? Are we even capable of unparalleled foresight?

Yes we are.

Yes we truly truly are.

And this Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo will ensure it!

Being Human

We humans are distinguished from other species by our superior mental development, upright/vertical stance and power of articulate speech. The healthy and harmonious combination of elements enables imagination, creation and more but…what makes us particularly unique is our intuitive yearning. This “yearning” can lead to spiritual attainments as it can lead to infinite perils. The point is that, so many of us have the best faculties in place, to assist some form of TOTAL experience that can free us and those around us, from whatever it is that keeps us bound. This rare yearning is also felt in our bittersweet symphonies of love. Our love can be felt from our central channel as it can be experienced as unconditional when raised to the highest degree. In better words, we are fundamentally kind. Most species however, simply feel to survive.

We, Kings and Queens at the top of the food chain, need to take a moment or two and reflect on what we can do with these privileges? It actually really is a privilege to have a so-called mind and heart which functions in an almost harmonious way. This mind and heart once united in intention can manifest the Pyramids of Giza as it can live in the past, present and future all in the now!

Our regal status as Humans is something the Lion of this Moon would like us to consider and really evaluate. Our independent and collective responsibilities as humans are dangling on the surface of all themes now. As Aristotle would say, “in order for Man to perfect his humanity, he must be the best man he can be.”

This is it! We all, as Kings and Queens on this Earth need to rule our lives again by honoring that we can achieve greatness, by rejoicing that we can love, by believing that we can arrive to a land beyond dualism and by experiencing what it truly means to be human….and….simply being it.

Last August united us in the outer sorrows of change, we came to a visual understanding of how the world we live in, isn’t as easy as we would like it to be. The outer curtains were pulled away and we humans got a glimpse of how such privileges are abused. This is the danger of dishonoring our human-ness. In fact, the term “inhumane” implies that when someone is being cold hearted they are not being “human.” This then would further imply, that to be human is to be kind and not because we are seeking out fans or validation. This perfected kindness is the fundamental nature of all humans and when this kindness is not accepted we fall pray to silly distractions that turn us away from “in” and definitely delay our ability to experience a 300-kilometer an hour message travelling from our brain through our nerves.

This Lunar Eclipse in Leo has a heart of gold, waiting to burst into infinite pieces so that the value of our supreme fundamental nature can be cherished. We all deserve this treasure, this treasure within. It is our right as the lords of this earth to use the greatest weapon “LOVING KINDNESS” and through that….raise ourselves to the highest degree. We are the example, we are leading the way and through this cosmic reminder may we lead it well. The journey is shorter than we know and this swiftness called LIFE mustn’t be underestimated. Our 1 million barrels of blood, pumping away in one lifetime as well as the 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels and 300 million capillaries are all distinctively cheering aloud, for our lives to NOT be wasted.

Make the most of this generous life by accepting your fundamental nature that is no other than the glory of being human.

Astrological Eclipse Tips Audio


Infinite Full Moon, Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse

in Leo Blessings Dear Hearts

Love and light,


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August 2017 Astrology
Eclipse Season Vortex
& The Freeing of Lives

We have just entered the Eclipse Vortex, held by the Aquarian-Leo axis and spun by Jupiter and Saturn. Everything we do from the 7th until the 28th of August must be Sacred. This time expands time, bends time and loosens its grip. Let the interstellar influences support your Eclipse Season transformation!

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Greetings from my birth land and loving salutations from this hollowed dimension.

Wouldn’t you call Aquarians and Leos extreme opposites? I know I do! And…can you imagine how radical an Eclipse Vortex would be, held by such opposites? Well, here we are, entering this mad and activated season.

Many of us have been looking forward to the final Eclipses of 2017 and to be honest, there really isn’t a better way to close the bright red curtains. I mean, we are bowing out with a Total Solar Eclipse in Leo and what rules Leo? The Glorious Sun!

This is a magnetising time and a time for closure of all sorts. It is also a time to think of the bigger picture and our immediate communities. With a partial Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius that took place on the 7th/8th, we are being requested to think of our global impact, how we are contributing as a whole and if we contribute enough, for the greater good that is!

Aquarian Moon energy is unpredictable and extremely wise. There is a futuristic element to everything Aquarius and no matter what we know; Aquarian stars are always 10 steps ahead. Thankfully, this wisdom is in our favour now and if we are in positions of power, it really is the moment to speak up, to share what is true and needed so that the larger masses can receive some benefit.

Please work with this energy to contemplate on all of our worlds First Peoples, the Aboriginals for example, the Indigenous beings from every corner of our globe, The Gypsies who evolved from Rajasthan or anyone who you feel a sincere connection with that embodies the wisdom of our worlds First Peoples. Think of how you can learn from their knowledge and how you can share some of this needed information with others during this powerful Astrological season. Even if you are simply quoting a passage, reading a book, planning a fundraiser or attending an event, whatever the act under such influences, it will not go unnoticed! In my case, I plan to spend some time in Uluru and complete Divinations from there. I also aspire to share some moments with the Indigenous Australians who I missed so much. Here is a little hymn I wrote whilst flying over the Blood Red Desert:

That was my view from the other morning, whilst crossing several seas and hovering high above a land I cherish and call my birth place. It’s interesting how a land can claim you, how it can anchor your spirit after longing for something you didn’t know was missing. I travel a lot, I have been doing so since I was 1 month old and yet very few lands scream to me, very few lands say “hey, – you’re mine.” I can’t say I feel comfortable with being claimed, I do however love the feeling of an old song, a melody that captures countless echoes of songs well sung. I love the Sunrise Rainbow over the Blood Red Desert and its majestic respect to my endless departures. A good land lets you leave yet loves you even more when you return. A good land doesn’t grasp at your heart but lets you fly away trustingly. I see the Morning Star rise above this Thirsty Ruby Desert and I cry. The timelessness never left it and nor did the gates of ZangdokPalri. Keep singing to me sweet and cherished land beyond time, where sleeping is hard yet living awake is forever.”

Another mighty good things to do under this Aquarian Lunar Eclipse influence is the act of “Freeing Lives.” This is something I was kindly taught from my spiritual teachers and if you want to know more about this do email me. One thing that is for sure, anyone can do it and the base of this beautiful act is “Divine Intention.” What I can say now is, if you buy any animals that were destined to be killed and release them into their natural habitat, with the intention that they are freed from suffering, that is enough! I know people who do this with Crickets (even if they are factory produced) or fish for example. The point is to free the being from its untimely death. Another nice way to call this is “Saving Lives.”

As you can see, this Lunar Eclipse demands some healthy consideration, some extra thought about how much plastic we use, do we really need all the lights on? is it time to start a compost? And… lets give away more things to the poor.

The cool and detached Aquarian star sits quite high, and when in the mood lets the emotions flow through the mind like a filter. “Do we really need to hold on to so much emotion?” asks Aquarius and… the correct answer from the world should be “NO”.  So, let it ALL go, let it out, release the past, the muck and the useless self-involved thinking. Adjust yourself to the wave of a grander view that doesn’t fall to the ground like a mat to let everyone step on it. Instead, lead through your example, an example that does care and connect (without the sticky bits) and without the expectation. Fly high like an Eagle, see it all from up there and see how tiny it really is. Think big; think about everyone and everything – this is the point.

An Aquarius Moon will start a lot but not be there to worry about how it ends, so start! Do not worry about outcomes, please just start! There couldn’t be a better time to clean out all the unwanted residue of our own expectations that were not fulfilled and instead sow some new seeds of victory. Start anew from within and be open. Aquarius really wants you to be open.

How to work with this Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius

  • Transform subconscious blocks or fears
  • Think of the bigger picture
  • Free some lives
  • Work from a higher perspective
  • Protect the mind
  • Invent
  • Start anew emotionally
  • Unresolved karmas will appear now for a final clearing
  • Meditate to stabilise the overflow of energy
  • Write

The influences have only just begun to impact us and will last for quite sometime so please keep this information on file. Lunar Eclipse energy can last up to 3 months and depending on where this sits on your own Astrological Birth Map, the influences could last a lot longer.

I suggest we ease into this mood, this uncanny and cosmically expansive mood. Lets just sit with it over the course of the next 4 days and feel how it works with us. It will be surprising and clever; so don’t be alarmed if the unexpected happens. Just ease into it!

This is the Part One of a 2 Part post that I will conclude later this month. What I wish is to hear from all of you and to learn about how this Eclipse Vortex is unfolding in your world! Please comment here or post your questions. I will be delighted to answer them.

Finally, if you have the time we will be Raising the Universal Frequency on the 21st of August 2017. You can learn more about this event here:

Do note that Sirius will be rising in the night sky ever so brightly after a 70+ day absence. Sirius wants us to be careful what we wish for and to only wish / aspire for the best whilst being open to the bigger picture. You should be able to see Sirius shine his bright blue rays on the 8th night. An empowering night if you ask me. Make the most of it.

Sending you so much love from here,


An Astrological Update
10th February 2017

Hello dear ones,
How are you?

Did someone say Lunar Eclipse in Leo?

Yes, you heard correctly and we can expect to see the Full Moon grow darker from approximately 22:30 to 03:00 UTC on the 10th to 11th.

Many expect this to be a Total Lunar Eclipse but it will only be visible as a Penumbral Eclipse. It’s actually not often that the Astrologers I know over do their statements about cosmic events and when they do I automatically think it is for a useful reason.

To me, this Eclipse WILL have the power of a Total Eclipse.

The fact that this Lunar Eclipse is in such a potent and solar powered sign like Leo equals to a very auspicious union of energy.

The Eclipse will amplify dramatic levels of awakening for so many and will not let us rest until we step into the limelight of our own creative passions including loving more, giving more, receiving more and allowing our hidden talents to be recognised.

In order for some of us to learn we may get slapped around by the energy of this obviously fiery time. We need to be careful to not have any accidents or injuries and instead aspire for confidence to face the jewel that is being offered here. It is a jewel because it has a high dosage of truth attached to it and the fire element in Astrology cannot wait for us to “get it” or “understand” it just takes action even if we are ready or not. This is why wishing to NOT MISS the blessing of this Eclipse and the awakening support it provides is needed.

We are entering a time of nobility and making good use of our common sense between right and wrong. Sometimes it really is as basic as yes and no or black and white. We either like something or we do not, we either behave or we do not, we either walk away or we continue on and the black and white, clear-cut truth is ever so available now.

To work with this energy we need nobility and action, to act from a place of sincerity and to not care too much about what “needs to appear correct” on an external level. Being noble is about being honest and most importantly maintaining a sense of dignity or truthfulness.

A lot of fame can come from this astrological time and when we look into the meaning of the word FAME we can find a deeper significance. Let us challenge this now… when you hear the word fame, what does it mean to you? Do you automatically assume it means to have some form of public eminence? Is it only a word that refers to outer recognition? The dark side of Leo demands to be known, to be heard and to be seen. When the Leo energy is used correctly it goes beyond popular interest and enters a healthy land of nobility. Nobility is fame without the effort and without the expectation! Learn from this and you will find your magnificence.

The benefits of this Eclipse and how to use it:

  • start to do more of what we really want and be more of who we really wish to be
  • focus on creative projects and passions
  • have a tantrum of truth, let it all out, scream and cry (with an episode of laugher a few hours later)
  • dance more and express through the arts
  • make a movie, write a story, sing a song and be heard
  • open our hearts to our community, to our world and hear how much wants to be expressed. the world is talking and we need to listen
    allow recognition for a job well done and give credit to oneself where needed
  • appreciation is so important and to not take what is precious in our lives for granted. this eclipse wants us to share our love and true feelings without pride or fear
  • be extremely generous and try to give at least once to someone you do not know and may not ever see again. any gesture of sincere generosity is encouraged
  • be confident and magnetise the better parts of you

This IS a very boosting time astrologically but it is just that things are moving so fast and the power that is dancing in the air may intimidate us. We need to remember to not be scared and to keep it simple. If you want to avoid the dark side of a Leo infused Lunar Eclipse the trick is to keep it simple. Use your common sense and have valor when taking action.

There are already enough dark sides of this moon being activated on a global level and since we (the common people) are still the majority, we must use this power by being sincere and keeping the flame of noble-heartedness alive.

What use is a world of hate? What use is a human life if we do not use our ability to empathize and actually care for others? The times are too messy now to even begin to comprehend so it is wiser to keep it simple and be proud to still know right from wrong. We need to be proud to still be able to feel what is beneficial or not, to be able to recall what is love and to still have a choice, a freedom of how to be!

There is definitely cosmic magnificence available and this Eclipse commands it so…please please please, walk through the fire of feelings and you will begin to feel beneficially alive again. This is because you will learn to express at levels you yourself forgot was even possible. All of this loud and vibrant truth is needed before the Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th.

It is actually rare that we are given the chance to burn with a soothing rain to follow. If we trust in this fire, the rain to come will pacify and not drench us. The soothing rain is the Eclipse in Pisces and in order to be ready, all of this is needed first. May it be a healing, fun and clarity bringing time with many blessings.

For more information on these Eclipses click here.

Anyone who has a strong Leo, Aquarius, Virgo or Pisces placement in their Birth Chart will feel the impact of these times most and please note that the influence of Eclipses lasts several months. How we apply ourselves this February will influence many of the months to come.

If you need to make serious life changing choices, this is the month to do it and it is also a month full of blessings that will support what we really need. I encourage everyone to use the in-between Eclipse time for reflection, prayer and cutting cords where necessary. This in-between eclipse time (the 11th night to the 25th night) is one of the most powerful in-between Eclipse periods that we will get to taste for a long stretch. The grandness of the intergalactic support for those who really wish to advance spiritually is at a peak now so please use it carefully.

For more information on how these times are affecting you personally you can request an Astrological Reading. I am taking bookings for Mid March onwards.

We will be Raising The Frequency again on the 26th from 3:30pm UTC and you can keep up to date about this here:

Feel free to contact me with your thoughts and feelings. It is important to share and connect with each other whenever we can.

I will be working again from Mid March however do know that you can connect and share whenever you feel.

An offering:

Love and light,

Total Eclipse of the Sun Lord of the Limitless Form

“We fell from the stars yet know not our parents. Look up dear children of the sky and bond well with what made you.” – TarotbyTashi

Hello dear ones,

A Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces takes place on the 8th/9th of March; this Eclipse belongs to the one who is adorned with the rising crescent moon, the lord of limitless form and tumultuous grace!

We stand tall now … we stand tall in the land of sun and moon united.  We contemplate Chiron who interestingly is creating the space for manic breakthroughs and reverberates the gift of recovery.

What must we recover? Tumultuous grace rarely feels like a blessing, the pain that has been chipping away at our core wouldn’t easily seem helpful…yet it is; yet it really really is.

It is time to understand the walk with a lord, a lord who is formless, a lord who masters the darkness of night and spits out the suns flames to brighten the dawn.

This cryptic echo wishes to serenade us into a state of still light. A state that opens the mind into receiving a kiss from a secret keeper who will reveal what we all want to know, what we all must recover.

Let us enter now, let us walk through these divine cosmic gates and learn from the sky.


Wet, sticky and slippery emotions! They brew; they CALL and often drown us yet we leave them untamed. Well not anymore…

…within this transformative Eclipse Portal we are being called to cut the cords of fears that blacken the creative potential stemming from the subconscious.  We are being taught to skillfully play with what holds us back so that we can eliminate fixed unwanted patterns. We are being lead into the gallery of recovery and there we will meet the parts of us long lost yet ever so needed.

What this lord of a limitless intergalactic dance wants is to free us from the perils of our own making and bring us closer to a softer, vulnerable yet constantly capable version of ourselves that will flow more lightly and see the glory within the dance.


This Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces provides access into the ever-flowing waters of cherished memory that stems from a hearts wish and caresses the subconscious.

The veil of life as we know it will be pulled away and a wisdom born from waters well kept, feelings well hidden will flow upward into our mind and there an emergence will occur without separation for the intellect must experience this change.

“Be gentle with you “ is the song of the stars and experiment with all the sensations. If you want to cry, cry… and then offer your tears, wishing that each drop opens the door to the glorious majestic heart.

Pisces carries a wisdom no words can write of, when it eclipses the Sun our LOUD ego has no place and the lord of the formless form will instantly take away the fetters so we can run free like children in a field of dandelions.

Run free now, feel, release and rise up beyond the muddy muddy weight.

Let the purity of Pisces paint you a picture worth living in and lick the withheld wounds of the soul.


Before the Lunar eclipse in Libra later this month, we must cleanse deeply and the watery clean up leans on Chiron. Chiron wishes us whole. Chiron waltzes with the New Moon and provides instant ability to start anew in experiential wisdom. The waltz signifies selfless transformation and heals us indeed. We must aspire to swim in the depths, learn from the depths and rise up above the depths lightly without ignoring our wounds.


This Total Solar Eclipse is the only Total Solar Eclipse for 2016 and therefore demands attention.

Do what you can to make divine aspirations during the Eclipse for the betterment of our universe. Do what you can to tune into the planetary song so that your own pure nature can be nurtured by the shift.

Later this month I will be posting more on the effects of the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Libra and advise you now that the influences of both these Eclipses will take us up into mid May and already started to pinch us from the last week of February.


If you would like to receive a “Quick Insight Reading” as to how these Eclipses will influence you directly feel free to get in touch as I am taking booking for later this month.

I close up by expounding the following:

Paint with your moods

An artist loves to paint

The colour

Even when black

Has all the colours weaved into it.

May all be auspicious!

Love and light,
