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Astrological Update
Full Moon in Virgo
12th March 2017

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

March is in flames and this upcoming Full Moon on the 12th of March in Virgo is the spark before the fire.

Get ready to want to work harder, think deeper and feel the future a little too close.

Let us welcome this weekend with humbling influences from the Full Moon in Virgo.

To some it is called a Miracle Moon and the reason behind this (from a western astrological perspective) is the strong link between Virgo and purity. When we talk about purity here we are invoking something fragile, vulnerable and capable of healing through adequate sensibility. The power of this Moon will bring us back into our bodies, to hear and feel what has been neglected or is currently out of balance.

The heightened emotional worries around this Moon may alarm some but please do not take the events that are brewing to heart just yet, see them as a needed expression that will give birth to a potential miracle. The miracles wanting to be born are freeing because of the capability to see our own fragile points and through this understanding AN HONESTY that compliments our long-term wishes will arrive.

What this all means is, even if we are tired, picky and getting overtly neurotic, this miracle moon will remove what pins our minds to the pits of worry. We just have to let it do its job, a good starting point is to feel the body and what it will say to us over the next week. If there is time, use this weekend to reconnect with the body, our breath and carnal necessities. All of this will help the miracle process. All of this need for ground and actively seeking it out in nature or through our own meditation will soften the loudness of the mind that may not quiet down until late April. As unbelievable as this may sound, we are in for some action oriented months and with very minimal opportunities for processing the cosmic boost that is currently flaming.

It would make sense to say that there is a gift from the cosmos for all of us taking place RIGHT NOW, a gift that could appear like a high speed download of needed upgrades to our entire heavenly system.

After the Eclipses and a very rough testing patch we are presently in the shiny zone, getting plugged into a kind and enriching offering from the universe. This is why the Virgo vulnerability is important and with the power of the Full Moon the chance to miraculously “get it” and “connect the dots well” will bring a wished for peace. A peace that can have us relax into certain professional matters as the months unfold, a peace that can have us accept situations without all the doubts and added pressures in our mind. A peace that will eliminate overthinking and return to us the gift of experiential acceptance!

All that is occurring now astrologically is for our collective advantage.

March is a BOON and will fuel us with insights that need to be protected so that we can use them later, when they are really really needed.

This month is stable and consistent in its ability to provide us with the “doing part” of all our well thought out plans. We can really get things done this month and get to the bottom of so many long awaited results.

Some Key Dates To Consider:

11th of March

a powerful day for healing communication

15th of March

the gift of opportunity to change stubborn habits and apply new perspectives

18th of March

excellent time for social settings and fun, a day to remember friends and expand from the heart

26th of March

a day that will not succeed if we plan it out. use the spontaneity of this day and feel boosted with the electric unpredictability

In general, it will seem hard for us to embrace the present because the fire of the future is already burning and very brightly.

Think of March as a FIRE BIRD racing its way through every corner and only stopping to fill up the tank. This FIRE BIRD has a destination and it wont stop because it is bringing us to energized states, resetting us so that we can cope with the already burning future.

We need to accept the new cosmic download, and work with the nourishment of this Full Moon to add earth where it is lacking and gain a little more control over the steering so that we can park at a mountain peak to sit on warm and solid soil that will centralize this rush.

If you are a Virgo or have your Moon in Virgo consider minimizing your opinions this weekend and give back to yourself through indulging without calculation. You deserve it!

People with Pisces, Aries, Virgo, Libra and / or Gemini dominant in their Natal Birth Chart will benefit most from this Full Moon.

May I hear from you and come to know about your experiences.

Have a quirky and healing time.

Love and light,


Coming Soon Via TarotbyTashi:

Did you know that 2017 is the year of the High Priestess? A year deeply dedicated to the Divine Feminine #inallherforms?

I will be writing in detail about this magical year soon and in the meantime invite you to share your love for her!

You can share your thoughts, art and devotion to the Great Mother here or via Facebook and Instagram.

Feel free to be as artistic as you like and make sure to hashtag #inallherforms

Offerings For These Times:

Space Sounds

Closing Notes:

The TarotbyTashi 2017 services profile is now available for download.

If you would like to schedule in an appointment please note that I am taking bookings now for April.

May all be auspicious!


An Astrological Update
10th February 2017

Hello dear ones,
How are you?

Did someone say Lunar Eclipse in Leo?

Yes, you heard correctly and we can expect to see the Full Moon grow darker from approximately 22:30 to 03:00 UTC on the 10th to 11th.

Many expect this to be a Total Lunar Eclipse but it will only be visible as a Penumbral Eclipse. It’s actually not often that the Astrologers I know over do their statements about cosmic events and when they do I automatically think it is for a useful reason.

To me, this Eclipse WILL have the power of a Total Eclipse.

The fact that this Lunar Eclipse is in such a potent and solar powered sign like Leo equals to a very auspicious union of energy.

The Eclipse will amplify dramatic levels of awakening for so many and will not let us rest until we step into the limelight of our own creative passions including loving more, giving more, receiving more and allowing our hidden talents to be recognised.

In order for some of us to learn we may get slapped around by the energy of this obviously fiery time. We need to be careful to not have any accidents or injuries and instead aspire for confidence to face the jewel that is being offered here. It is a jewel because it has a high dosage of truth attached to it and the fire element in Astrology cannot wait for us to “get it” or “understand” it just takes action even if we are ready or not. This is why wishing to NOT MISS the blessing of this Eclipse and the awakening support it provides is needed.

We are entering a time of nobility and making good use of our common sense between right and wrong. Sometimes it really is as basic as yes and no or black and white. We either like something or we do not, we either behave or we do not, we either walk away or we continue on and the black and white, clear-cut truth is ever so available now.

To work with this energy we need nobility and action, to act from a place of sincerity and to not care too much about what “needs to appear correct” on an external level. Being noble is about being honest and most importantly maintaining a sense of dignity or truthfulness.

A lot of fame can come from this astrological time and when we look into the meaning of the word FAME we can find a deeper significance. Let us challenge this now… when you hear the word fame, what does it mean to you? Do you automatically assume it means to have some form of public eminence? Is it only a word that refers to outer recognition? The dark side of Leo demands to be known, to be heard and to be seen. When the Leo energy is used correctly it goes beyond popular interest and enters a healthy land of nobility. Nobility is fame without the effort and without the expectation! Learn from this and you will find your magnificence.

The benefits of this Eclipse and how to use it:

  • start to do more of what we really want and be more of who we really wish to be
  • focus on creative projects and passions
  • have a tantrum of truth, let it all out, scream and cry (with an episode of laugher a few hours later)
  • dance more and express through the arts
  • make a movie, write a story, sing a song and be heard
  • open our hearts to our community, to our world and hear how much wants to be expressed. the world is talking and we need to listen
    allow recognition for a job well done and give credit to oneself where needed
  • appreciation is so important and to not take what is precious in our lives for granted. this eclipse wants us to share our love and true feelings without pride or fear
  • be extremely generous and try to give at least once to someone you do not know and may not ever see again. any gesture of sincere generosity is encouraged
  • be confident and magnetise the better parts of you

This IS a very boosting time astrologically but it is just that things are moving so fast and the power that is dancing in the air may intimidate us. We need to remember to not be scared and to keep it simple. If you want to avoid the dark side of a Leo infused Lunar Eclipse the trick is to keep it simple. Use your common sense and have valor when taking action.

There are already enough dark sides of this moon being activated on a global level and since we (the common people) are still the majority, we must use this power by being sincere and keeping the flame of noble-heartedness alive.

What use is a world of hate? What use is a human life if we do not use our ability to empathize and actually care for others? The times are too messy now to even begin to comprehend so it is wiser to keep it simple and be proud to still know right from wrong. We need to be proud to still be able to feel what is beneficial or not, to be able to recall what is love and to still have a choice, a freedom of how to be!

There is definitely cosmic magnificence available and this Eclipse commands it so…please please please, walk through the fire of feelings and you will begin to feel beneficially alive again. This is because you will learn to express at levels you yourself forgot was even possible. All of this loud and vibrant truth is needed before the Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the 26th.

It is actually rare that we are given the chance to burn with a soothing rain to follow. If we trust in this fire, the rain to come will pacify and not drench us. The soothing rain is the Eclipse in Pisces and in order to be ready, all of this is needed first. May it be a healing, fun and clarity bringing time with many blessings.

For more information on these Eclipses click here.

Anyone who has a strong Leo, Aquarius, Virgo or Pisces placement in their Birth Chart will feel the impact of these times most and please note that the influence of Eclipses lasts several months. How we apply ourselves this February will influence many of the months to come.

If you need to make serious life changing choices, this is the month to do it and it is also a month full of blessings that will support what we really need. I encourage everyone to use the in-between Eclipse time for reflection, prayer and cutting cords where necessary. This in-between eclipse time (the 11th night to the 25th night) is one of the most powerful in-between Eclipse periods that we will get to taste for a long stretch. The grandness of the intergalactic support for those who really wish to advance spiritually is at a peak now so please use it carefully.

For more information on how these times are affecting you personally you can request an Astrological Reading. I am taking bookings for Mid March onwards.

We will be Raising The Frequency again on the 26th from 3:30pm UTC and you can keep up to date about this here:

Feel free to contact me with your thoughts and feelings. It is important to share and connect with each other whenever we can.

I will be working again from Mid March however do know that you can connect and share whenever you feel.

An offering:

Love and light,

Jupiter Stations Direct Today In Virgo ♍️

Our collective growth phase gains a new momentum after a LONG four months of tests and rebalancing.

With 4 planets continuing to spin backwards I suggest we access the power of the luckiest planet and work with the magic of today, this step forward from Jupiter has many many rewards.

It’s a nourishing shift and through its ever flowing grandiose generous teaching, get inspired to work again. Get inspired to work towards the goal without the weight of these last few months.

This shift tells us that we are ready to work harder, we are ready to regain the lost confidence that seemed prominent for sometime.

With Jupiter marching direct again today, the remaining planets in retrograde will not be able to resist how necessary it is to “get on with it” and the ability for a higher perspective will indeed be ours.

It is a good day to renew divine promises, to renew our personal goals, to teach the world and share our experiential wisdom.

Jupiter expects us to learn from the weight of the last few months and to be positive in rekindling how necessary it is to strive further, to grow through wisdoms key and to be a willing vessel for a higher purpose.

I see many opportunities in our ability to understand exactly what is going on and to free ourselves from lower frequencies.

Make auspicious aspirations, open up to the wisdom of this glorious planetary event and remember how lucky we are to have the conditions to better ourselves for the utmost benefit of others.

I look forward to post more soon on all the current Astro aspects.

Love and light,


Invitation Day of Miracles
22nd February 2016

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

TarotbyTashi would like to include you in an exciting ceremony talking place on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of this month.

As you may know, the 22nd is a very holy and miraculous day. It also falls on the nurturing Full Moon in Virgo and marks the astrological doorway into Eclipse season. TarotbyTashi will take this opportunity to conduct a ceremony making wishes and aspirations for the world. The ceremony will take place in 3 spiritually activated locations deeply connected to the great mother / shakti energy. The ceremony will include offering lights, reciting aspirations and meditation.

If you would like the names of you and your loved ones recited in a small aspiration/dedication related ceremony then please email me back with the following:

-The full names of the people who you would like to receive blessings / be included in the dedication

You do not need to send anything else other than the names of the people you would like included in this ceremony. If you have personal aspirations, please tune in from the late night of the 21st until the early morning of the 23rd.

During this time you are encouraged to make your own aspirations, wishes and prayers. You can light candles and make positive, loving wishes for all beings and our universe. It is a powerful time so do connect and unite within divine intention.

Please email me before the 20th evening if you wish to include you and your loved ones in this ceremony.

Even if I do not hear back from you in time, you will definitely be in my best of thoughts and wishes.

I look forward to upload some videos, send pictures from this magical moment revealing the locations visited and include a historical overview.

Truly happy to connect.

May all beings benefit.

Love & light,
