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astrology for 2020

Important Astrological Update RE: The Capricorn Climax Uranus in Taurus Saturn in Aquarius and Sacred Feminine Wisdom March 27th 2020

Hello dear hearts,

How are you all keeping? Safe I aspire!

I am going to take a walk down Astrological Memory Lane and share a compilation of my writings since 2015, which will prove useful regarding the current “2020 Result Year”  theme.

Let us start with the “Capricornian Climax Astrological Update” from December 2015:

A Capricornian Climax will be taking place in 2020 when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto unitedly spin in the constellation. We all have a series of choices to make until then and these choices will transform our world for the better or for the worse. These choices will bring a long yearned for harmony or brutally oppress our future.

Key Astrologers fear the outcome of world affairs in 2020 because the last time Capricorn held these planets it held them and bled. What I want to say is, if we are aware of the cosmic turning points we can indeed attempt to change outcomes. All cosmic turning points have both their negative and positive influences so the trick is to work with whatever is useful and don’t look back.

What we are all scheming now will lay the ground for the “new way through” in 2020 and this way (I repeat) will be harmonious or brutal. If people start to wake up and see the distortions of our reality and through understanding, make necessary changes, we will then heal the worldwide pain and wake up from the falsification on a collective level.

The extremes in the chaos thicken and as the years pass, whatever divides us from the peace-within will increase! It is urgent to be a wise contributor to support the ground we step on. The elements we depend on are crying and whatever toxic emotions stir the pit of our collective pain is in total control now. 

Rise up in loving kindness and protect this earth through seeing where you are. This is THE METHOD and through an inner homecoming, the outer equilibrium will naturally return.”

Now for some words I wrote in response to a friends question which was posted in mid 2019 on Social Media:

“I’m sad to say it but there is a war going on, a war of worlds. The energies of light, human-ness (what that really means) the natural world vs the dark, dark in the non shadowy sense. When I say dark here, I am referring to the selfishness, the destructive, the essence-less and the cruel. The outer war is all fuelled by greed, power destruction and one of the main ways to tame this is to win the “inner war” which is to not descend to where the lower frequency externally pulls us but….to ascend no-matter what!

Yes, we must do a lot externally too, such as care for nature, the earth, animals, the planet, the elements but, the point is, to tame the outer through the inner, this is what MUST come first! 

These energetic wars have happened countless times throughout the history of mankind and currently, as we climb towards 2020, the capacity to ascend or fall is high – just as are the extremes. 

All is extreme now, this extremity gravitates us to rise beyond all extremes if we allow for it. This can only be done through inner work and then once accomplished, great balance will instantly be.”

Some expressions shared throughout 2016, 2017 and 2018 whilst working with Lilith in Astrology and Reclaiming Divine and Sacred Feminine Wisdom:

“….Can you feel that? That’s infinite woman of our world healing…healing because woman in power are rising up and using their positions to really speak their truth!

The abuse of this Sacred Feminine Energy has been taking place for way too long and if your waking up today with a tender sensation in your heart, one that feels so much more tender than normal, please know that you are feeling the deep healing that is taking place right this very moment!

When power is robbed, stolen and taken away, it leaves enormous holes in our collective make-up and now that a start to a correct level of honour is being poured into its rightful place, we are collectively experiencing “a return” and this return of truth into our very own cores will echo for days.

As the Rise of the Divine and Sacred Feminine Energy continues and many out there do their best to restore honour and respect into its rightful place, the fire of truth will rise from the ashes within.

To really heal our world is to heal the imbalances…starting with our Sacred Mother Earth, her ever-flowing generosity and how we fail to value it, this is the first and obvious example of such grand abuse to this Sacred Feminine Energy.

When we talk about the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy we are not excluding the Sacred and Divine Masculine energy. Both are interlocked, united and cannot function properly without a healthy level of equilibrium.

When one is lacking or imbalanced within us, we eagerly search for it “out there.” This quest can be as simple as looking for a suitable partner or someone to share love with. This obvious imbalance on the subtlest of levels is what needs to be addressed first.

For so long now, the Divine and Sacred Feminine energy has been suppressed in both Men and Woman. It has been torn down, feared and refused. The mystery of the energy put many into a state of panic around the 12th and 13th Century, which lead to a grand rejection of the glory of what this energy contains. Since then, our Western World has seen gruesome witch-hunts, the end to woman’s rights, a suppression that created even woman themselves to fear their very own power. This extreme divide of polarities, which actually depend on each other, only really started to yearn for a homecoming in the 19th Century. That’s a bit too long of a wait for respecting an energy that flows through all of us and in everything we see, consume and experience!

Since the scales were tipped so strongly in the direction of refusing to embrace the mystery of this energy, the normal effect or consequence is that the scales will now tip in the exact opposite direction! Astrology confirms it, with Lilith in Capricorn currently and various other history changing planetary alignments, its as though the reclaiming of this energy wont be peaceful.

So what to expect if the reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy manifests as extreme?

1. There will be many natural disasters and those that come from nowhere and without sense.

2. Large imbalances will take place with the elements that make up our world, for example, obtaining clean water will be as hard as pulling a diamond out of a crocodiles jaw.

3. The concept of family will lose its worth and we will find less and less people wanting to make a life together.

4. The confusion as to how we apply ourselves, as human beings will increase and the concept of a purposeful life will diminish.

5. There will be an upsurge of destructive tendencies. This includes, wars, rebellions, epidemics or pandemics.

This is just a bit of what can happen when extreme outer divides take place in energies that so eagerly depend on each other. We were pulled into one extreme for centuries and now we are on the brink of being pulled into another.

The deep and tender healing that can happen and must happen needs to start from an awareness of how these energies live within us! The Divine and Sacred Feminine and Masculine energies are what make us complete. When this truth is ignored and disrespected, extreme imbalances take place and then we grow further and further apart as if we are not interdependent. As if we are rivals on a numberless battlefield.

Does it need to be so destructive, this reclaiming of the Sacred and Divine Feminine energy? Perhaps!

The healing energy we are feeling due to the woman of the world rising up and speaking their truth, bringing a needed voice back into our world is the evidence of the urgency such imbalances demand.

We all felt it, something like a deep and nourishing peace when Oprah told it how it is regarding the MeToo movement. We all connected in ways that had no space for ego during that moment of energetic honesty.

It’s the divine energy itself that goes beyond gender which shook inside us, singing it’s melody of confirmation. On the gross level, we see the manifestation as “woman of the world” but what it is really all about is an energetic representation. See it for what it really is and embrace the energy without rejection.

The ever-flowing great mother goddess energy is forgiving, it will help us if we honour and respect it. It will heal its wounds if we start to heal ours too and through a collective understanding the destructive results may even subside.”

Useful comments from my appearance on the 2018 Astrology Hub TV Forecast Marathon:

“As Uranus makes his way into Taurus we are going to see the world as we know it turn upside down. Countries that were rich will experience poverty and some countries that are poor will rise in wealth. The world economy will crumble and there will be risks of financial melt downs which will call for urgent measures on how we relate to money and international security as a whole.”

Uranus in Taurus Astrological Update from December 2017:

“Whenever Uranus makes a shift, so do we, and the shifts tend to be experienced somewhat ferociously. The trick is to not resist and to collectively understand what is changing before the change actually happens. Let’s talk a bit about this erratic and futuristic planet. Uranus is unpredictable and a very loud messenger. The energy of such cosmic influences cannot be tamed nor easily understood. Uranus is always in the future, advancing, evolving and managing matters linked to technology, invention and information. This planet praises individuality and vomits at conventions. All that is eccentric, surprising, rebellious and uncanny dwells here. We can often link electricity to this planet as we can lightning, the sky and chaos. Many of us appreciate Uranus for it is never still nor stuck and is constantly encouraging what it touches to take risks and to take action through spontaneity. When Uranus is at the final moments of a 7 Year Cycle, we must open up to a collective awareness and gather information as to what’s to come. Since Uranus is making his shift into Taurus, we need to ask ourselves how can we learn from the last gifts of Uranus in Aries? How can we let the fire become earth? This icy planet spins from east to west and is lonely in its rotation with only Venus to accompany it. With 27 moons and out of character expressions, the shift from bold and authoritative Aries into Taurus will equal to a lot of financial woes. We need to take control of our finances and practical concerns because when Uranus steps into Taurus some will win big and others will lose all.”

Uranus in Taurus Astrological Update from May 2018:

“You are actually tuning into this cosmic update just as Uranus shifts from Aries into Taurus. Wow! The slow moving planet was in Aries for around 7 years and now commences his “Corrida de Toros” like transit. The last time Uranus rode the Bull was around 77 years ago. During that period in time, we were met with the Second World War, The Great Depression, Banking Acts firmly placed as well as things such as the Social Security Act. A series of natural disasters struck our planet in the late 1930’s and early 40’s too….a couple to mention here are The Guangxi Province earthquake and the Vrancea earthquake. I am bringing these historical facts into the present, so that we can get a feel for the energetic themes, when such cosmic vibrations swirl above us.

Under the current transit, there is A LOT of earth-power in our Sky, which should actually keep the wild winds of change grounded and somewhat directional. 

This insight into what to do, where to go and what to become won’t last long so please journal your persistent motives before the unexpected settles.

Uranus surprises even change and is the one who cannot be predicted. Dare not attempt to nail this awakener down! His frequency purposely shifts when we assume to know anything about it. This lightening bolt of a planet is known to rule the collective’s creative energy and movement; it is the electricity and oxygen that we breathe as well as the vibration that can dismantle form/matter/phenomena faster than a speeding bullet. Some call this planet the “Enlightener” because of the influential ability to awaken in ways that go beyond saying. 

The unconventional dwells here, all that lives outside the constricting box and all that wins through spontaneous-free-demonstration is Uranus!

Get ready for revolutions and I won’t omit this at all. I do believe that everything we are working through spiritually and astrologically, up until the year 2020, will give way to various revolutions and truthfully has already started to do so. What is difficult to digest is that the revolutions could cause extreme imbalances within the energetic polarities that make up our world, which will lead to much unrest and possible sickness.

The loud divide between the extremes that dwell within dualism seem to congeal and the predictions for the revolutions are in accordance with such extremes. Of course, we will also start to witness very poor regions in our world suddenly become rich as well as changes in policies and structures that can benefit the global set up. This will all however, start to manifest closer to the end of the 7th planet from the Suns bull-ride.

The tangible and the unexpected alterations, over the course of the next 7 years, will target our emotional and practical states of security. What makes us feel safe? Just how comfortable are our comfort zones?…are all questions to consider. Finances are also a major focus under this planetary combination.

The intensified period of this Uranus in Taurus time comes with strong support that should have a lot to present to us until 2020. Uranus will return to Aries for a short while later this year, before making a firm return into Taurus around March 2019. This fiery return into Aries will provide access to the wounds forgotten and support our healing time before the BIG RUN of 2019. There will be much to aim for and fight for as the year unwinds and rewinds until it starts anew. 

I don’t wish to spring us too far into the future because the current cosmic theme is already a lot to manage. So….how do we make the most of Uranus’s Entry into the mighty Bull? If your personal Star Map is strongly held by either Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Aries, Leo and/or Aquarius, do note that you will be feeling the effects of the next few months more forcefully than others. I do recommend that you look at where Taurus and Scorpio sit in your own Star Map because this should pin point some of how Uranus in Taurus will connect with you personally over the course of the next 7 Years. If you would like to receive an in-depth personalised reading on this Uranus Transit, you can contact me directly to request this here. Please note that I will continue to work with the Uranus in Taurus Transit throughout his 7 Year dance in Taurus. 

More on Uranus, Written in April 2018:

Uranus rules Astrology and all it can offer, it also rules Rebels and the act within Evolution. It cuts through any delusion and is the universal spark that ignites an energy that knows no bounds. We are made to “wake up” when this planet is active and can access dimensions that possess greater levels of intelligence. A perfect human example of the planet Uranus would be “Albert Einstein” and a modern day film called “Lucy” captures the infinite-ness of this planets potential.

Since Uranus is now going to take a hold of Taurus, we will come to know about so much more of the hidden world and its intelligent systems/functions. We will learn to integrate technology in ways that assist the mundane and not steer us away from it. Perhaps the farming industries will agree to work with healthier means of sustainability and will finally get the environmentally beneficial support that they desire. Let’s just hope such results won’t come through drastic measures.”

Saturn in Aquarius and NOW, an Astro Update from last week:

“It is all about Saturn in Aquarius and the collective lessons that will come with this “game changer” of a transit. 

March 2020 is an Astro knock out of a Month, but, it’s really only the beginning.

Let’s stay safe, centred and full of love. The lessons en route will be mind blowing! I mean, any Aquarian influenced Saturn blows our minds when it comes to “collective comprehension and new paradigms.”

The last time Saturn entered Aquarius was in 1991 and that’s when the Hubble Telescope was launched. Free Elections started in Taiwan, the USA announced a massive Nuclear cutback. The U.S.S.R came to a formal end. I could seriously go on and on. Saturn in Aquarius energy is eccentric but seriously intelligent. The weight of the world becomes somewhat lighter because Saturn in Aquarius knows how to make everyone carry their fair load. Things even out, we remember we are humans and not egocentric-loonies, we start again to live towards a collective understanding that again I’ll repeat…equals to: new paradigms.”

So dear hearts, now that you have taken a walk down memory lane with me, how do you feel? How do all of these writings move you?

I won’t lie, I was actually shedding some tears preparing this all for you because I was tapping back into the urgency of all of those times and how much kindness the universe was offering, providing us with such warnings! I think of enlightened hearts such as Greta Thunberg and how her message too, came loud and clear, before all of what shakes us now. 

Is it in our conditioning to always learn the hard way or are we just victims of what lives behind the curtain? Perhaps it is a bit of both? 

Whatever the case, the inner work is our own responsibility and the efforts we place towards such pursuits is what really counts at the end of the day. Everything else is just a display! 

This all won’t be forever so, working with who we really are underneath it all, that beautiful search, that beautiful quest is the rhythm of the cosmos and the wish of all divinities. 

I promise you that during such mass destruction, during such volatile times, hearts return to hearts. The ability to ascend, to awaken, to grow and to return to that truest place is so very possible.

….just be with you, and there you are. 

May all the universe benefit.

Love and light forever,
