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Full Moon Bathing

This Scorpio Full Moon With 4 Planets in Opposition and The Black Moon Lilith in Taurus April 27th 2021

The Pulse: a rhythmic dilation of an artery generated by the opening and closing of the aortic valve in the heart. This is one of the many ways to describe “The Pulse”- that which pulsates, that which actuates life and that which communicates blood.

Hello dear hearts,

This upcoming Scorpio Full Moon, taking place on the 27th of April 2021, to peak at approximately 5:30am Paris Time, is marked as the: “Revealing Moon.” 

I have chosen this word “revealing” due to the common Scorpionic wish to swim at the depths. What we tend to forget, is that, Scorpionic energy can also be deceptive!

Because this Moon will be opposed by 4 heart piercing and Venus themed Planets, coupled with the Black Moon Lilith in Taurus, the darker shade to Scorpio will not be able to seduce us. Instead, we will be forced to commune with the higher vibration of Scorpio, which most just cannot grasp. That higher vibration is of the most honest and illuminating. It is also evident that such a vibration rarely presents the Truth on a silver platter. 

This Scorpio Full Moon will not be easy if we are scared of change. If any of you are already experiencing unusually raw emotions swinging themselves into your conscious mind, please embrace this as a door to healing and try your best to be patient.

We have in fact, just entered the opening to the next Eclipse Season Portal as well, and, this will amplify all experiences to therefore create a sensation that we are not at all in control. 

The trick here is, to let the changes happen and with Scorpio to now be “highly placed” in our heavens, there is no other way but…up.


Let me now,

Open you up,

In a way that will have your mind resting in the words thus spoken.

If we are relating to a Scorpio Moon, when full, we must understand that her expression is that of a bleeding woman, a woman who is at the peak of her menstrual cycle and lets the blood of life pour. 

The gravity of such a Moon pulls us inward, transforms all of our rotten ways and gives way for the healing. This is an empowering Moon that cannot be approached without respecting the pain of life. 

To know someone with a Scorpio Moon is to witness a heart that is always closer to what we prefer to reject. Such Moons are the store-house of all of our garbage, they kindly collect what we cannot hold and burn it, burn it in the blood of creation. They bleed for us and sacrifice their own pleasures, because they do not reject what we often do. They survive even in the most atomic of weathers. They are very very strong.

I speak of an exalted Scorpio Moon, learning to aim for its highest potential. This Moon lets the rage of the pain of the world dissolve and starts to BE power. There is no Moon more capable of collecting your very ills and wiping them clean. There is no Moon more valuable than a Moon willing to show you just how extreme, extreme can be. 

Many whom hold this Moon in their Star Map live in fear of it, because even they tremble at the thought of “totality” that can swirl into the heart and consume everything. 

I know people, who prefer to not work with their Scorpio Moon because they have claimed it as being “too much” “too full” “too honest.” So then, in saying this, where does the deception of a Scorpio Moon live? 

….well, we find it, in the conscious mind, in the conscious mind that riots against the undercurrent. 

The conscious mind, a friend to the ego, wants matters to seemingly appear as though they are in control, as though they are well placed and yet, the Scorpio Moon, has a different voice, a voice that knows everything and can instantly irritate the enthusiast. 

The deception then becomes armour, forcing us to ignore our Truths because no Moon can feel further than a Scorpio Moon. Would you want to know everything? To sense your way through every wrong, to be a frequent visitor in Hade’s lair? 

This is why, when not exalted, a Scorpio Moon lies and hides in a world that no one will ever know about, such a Moon may even love so much and yet, dare not share it.

What is worth looking forward to is that, this Full Moon promises the passage to the most beneficial frequencies of the Scorpio Star. We will need to examine where Taurus and Scorpio are placed in our own Star Maps and this way, we can best understand how this Moon will be working us personally. 

I see the light of Venus, the Sun, Mercury and Uranus, all in Taurus, squishing any last drop of an enemy within us. Lilith in Taurus will too, make our foes surrender. 

The Scorpio Star is willing as she paces herself in this Moon. Her gratitude rises as all becomes revealing. 

There are many whom have wronged us, in lifetimes and not just one, yet, a Scorpio Moon, just like this, will have all such wrongs, undone. 

We too have been the enemy, within and throughout, this Moon is the journey of all the negativity we, as the tortured, carry about. 

Let there be no more…

….for we can be sorry, for we CAN forgive.

Keywords to this FULL MOON in Scorpio

  • Transformation 
  • Revealing 
  • Honesty in Relationships
  • Loyalty
  • Sudden Ends
  • Breakups 
  • Death
  • Extremes
  • Fear VS Trust
  • Divine Union 
  • Inner Alchemy 
  • The Forbidden Fruit
  • Vices 
  • Vengeance VS Letting Go
  • Letting Go
  • Empowerment in Letting Go
  • Pitting those whom create their own undoing 
  • SEX
  • Taking what is yours
  • Power
  • Empowerment 
  • Being Naked
  • Our Genitalia and Reproductive System
  • Blood
  • Anger into Truth
  • Tolerance into Boundaries 
  • Confronting Oneself 
  • Intensity 
  • Healing
  • Resurrection 
  • The Great Mother Goddess in her most rawest forms
  • True Beauty
  • Ground Zero
  • Matchless-ness
  • Awakening 

The matchless-ness that is held by the current Planetary positions, proves just how capable a Scorpio Moon really is. The 4 Planet and Lilithian confrontation does not intimidate a Scorpio Full Moon and this is indeed noteworthy. 

What Scorpio begs for is exactly this: “a chance to be seen and not left to retain the shadows.” When the cosmos offer such light upon this Moon, she openly dances in appreciation. 

The Scorpio energy cannot tolerate the weak and it is a persistent discipliner, setting a mark for us to aim for. When perceived as cold, it is only because the force that is needed, to work with Scorpio, wasn’t embraced. You’ll always find a Scorpio continuing where we have left off. They continue on and this can be seen as a boon but also as a curse. That is why, the sudden and raw release or cataclysmic change works through them. It is often because they have carried the weight of too much, for too long and perhaps denied it.

We must give thanks to cosmic cleaners, who do what no other Star Sign can do, who live where we all prefer to drift away from, who carry the pain of this world and free it, even if it hurts. Such Stars cry for more than their own, they live through the voices we cannot hear and are a medium between Living and Dying. 

There is no other Star Sign that knows death like this and what the death of anything can bring. They actively invoke this portion of the cycle whenever life is not soothing. They find peace within ends, they find solace knowing that death can happen. Death as a passage, the proof of change and the home of possibility.

One of the grandest lessons of a Moon like this, is to step away from being so hard on ourselves and instead of wearing the shackles of a Martyr, step up and taste the juice of LIFE. Taurus, which sits in the cosmic opposition, knows very well how to indulge in the pleasures of our senses and to live. 

If you weep yourself to rest, beneath the rays of this Full Moon, do not stop it. This is the psyche, accumulated across lifetimes that you just cannot count, and, this is her way of healing you.

Let the Scorpionic depths be made known, 

You will heal if the heart is willing.

You will see your life as one more,

This understanding will be revealing!

Perhaps you were your own worst enemy once, could this be true?

It is time,





You will and….all the universe is here, should you need it.

Love, Light and Scorpionic Depths,


The Full Moon in Virgo and the Coronavirus

Hello dear ones,

How are you?

Get ready Virgos, Pisceans, Capricorns and Cancers. This Full Moon in Virgo, to peak at 17:46 Universal Time on March the 9th 2020, will be extra charged for you.

This Full Moon is a highly energetic Moon, with not the usual methodological Virgoan flair. We are talking about a Jupitarian Trine and the Sun in Conjunction with Neptune in Pisces opposition.

Can you feel the emphasis?

As Mercury prepares to Station direct at approximately 10 hours after this Full Moons peak, the strategy in action or required “in action” must come from realms beyond what is obvious.

Let’s look at the Coronavirus for instance, it wouldn’t surprise me that after this Full Moon, we will be hearing about some “newfound” not so obvious truths connected to this outbreak and updated ways on how the body is responding to the infection.

This Virus is a subject on everyone’s mind, however, we need to go further than what meets the eye, to tackle the true energy/influence behind all of what is manifesting. Perhaps the truth is under our noses and not at eye-view.

If there is a lesson here, what would it be?

Not too long ago, several parts of our Globe, with an extra focus on Australia, were up in flames. Entering 2020 has been a clear indicator of the saying: “you reap what you sow.”

YES, 2020 is all about reaping what we have sown, if we have been exploiting, ignorantly abusing and taking all of what is available for granted, then, this is the year we learn where such actions will lead! This Moon too, kindly reminds us of that.

There is also an urgent hermit-like calling, when we communicate with this Moon. The hermit-like calling can offer us Peace, should we let it. Sitting with the Virgo Full Moon energy will be as powerful as you allow, but please, don’t disregard just how aware this Full Moon is.

Miracles, do they happen? and what exactly defines “Miracle?” If we look at the dictionary meaning of Miracle, it reads: “a surprising and welcomed event, that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a Divine agency.” Ok, so, with this interpretation in mind, let us now look into the dictionary meaning of the word Divine: “of, from, or like God or a God.”…interesting interpretation isn’t it? …now, let us define the word “GOD”…“The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority, the supreme being.” Now that we have looked into Miracle and established that a Miracle is therein classed as a manifestation of something supreme, perhaps a result of a series of sincere actions and aspirations, we can now too, approach this Moon through it’s correct title and that title is: “a Miracle Moon.” 

This Full Moon has the power to ease the current worldwide panic, it has the power to instil a sense of duty in our collective connection and this does not exclude a single being.

Let us see the animal realm and how many sacrifices are being made on a minute to minute basis, through angel like animals, who are used as specimens to find a cure to this Virus and so many other medical related needs. 

TarotbyTashi March 2020 Astro Post

Virgoan Moon energy walks with the Animal Kingdom, it communicates to those lesser than whoever or whatever is at the top of the food-chain. It does so with poise and humility and through this, discusses the many truths that such Kingdoms have to share. The cure and pacification of the Coronavirus is right under our NOSE, we are not looking in the correct place, we need to converse with the energy and platform of the animals in question, the animals who have been stripped of their voice and harmed, harmed for what? A five minute sense of satisfaction. How irrelevant!

The Animal Kingdom is calling us to work with the infinite care and natural law that is available, this Moon will prove miraculous if we can humbly bow to the realm that does so much and doesn’t even ask for a title or stamp of recognition. 

Can we all give back to the Animal Kingdom, whether this involves us going inward, connecting from the heart and apologising/connecting or literally, heading “out there” and doing something that helps a member of the Animal Realm? I think we most certainly can and whilst doing so, knowing that this act will help cure the current state of things.

Once upon a time, human beings who worked in accordance with the natural law, did not need to torture animals or fellow humans to discover cures for sicknesses or imbalances in the realm of existence.

Communication happened from the heart and through the natural depth of “frequencies.” Over time, as the world grew dark and human beings gave into fear, greed and aggression, the natural law was of course forgotten and very few now, can access what is natural, can access the infinite languages of the universe and can do so without agenda or pre-conceived thought. 
What is true though is, we all have such abilities within us, the problem is, we have just become lost, taken away from our truest states and thrown into rough seas. There are ways to return and this Moon speaks of the respect in the Natural Law of things, the respect needed to therefore receive the kind miracles that are so eagerly wanting to extend themselves.

The hermit-like pull of this Moon is also wanting to shelter us so that we can purify, cleanse and strengthen. This can only be done through an understanding of all that has been written here and a wish to absorb the information, not through the intellect but through the frequency that is being projected. I too can feel it and it is all of our truest states, you, me and all beings alike, wishing for the openness to return, wishing for the purity to be restored in a wish a heart makes and wanting the mother-like care to still be available to us all. I think it will be, but we have to work for this and not just through understanding. There needs to be a clear acceptance of the errors that have lead us to where we all are now and a trust in our own right/will to transform the times, which as we all know, is indeed possible.

Isn’t it?!

Wishing you all a purifying, healing and strengthening Full Moon in Virgo.

May all be Auspicious!

Love, Light and Universes,


The Benefits of Full Moon Bathing

Most of us love to laze about under the sun but have we ever considered the benefits of doing the exact same thing under a bright full moon?

Just as the hot hot sun has its healing energy so does our intuitive moon.

You see, moonlight is a combination of starlight, sun light and earth light (with the greater portion being absorbed sun light that gets reflected back to earth from the moon).

This crisp light should be bathed in from approximately 8:40pm until any time you please…

Think about relaxing into the experience and lay down as you would under a hot sun. Look up at the enchanting moon and let its soft, healing, and calm light soothe you, balance your internal waters, move the parts of you that were blocked or stagnant and purify your nervous system.

Because the moon is associated with the feminine / shakti principles its only normal that the results of your experience will work on a subtle level. If you are a very sensitive soul you will easily notice the gentle massage of the moons magic.

Ancient cultures believe that meditating on a full moon for even a short period of time will heal and cleanse the chakras.

Try to acknowledge what astrological sign the moon is in when you dip into its light as this too will play an important role in the effects of your experience.

Do keep in mind that the day before the full moon and after is still a good time for potent moon light healing energy.

Aspiring that you all have rejuvenating and captivating full moon bathing adventures.

Feel free to share your encounters with me ✨

Love & light,
