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Marlow Brooks

Full Moon in Aquarius (Almost Lunar Eclipse)

Where does it come from, this will to continue? Does it stem from our nature; an inevitable fact? Does it arise from our sophisticated pride? Is it caused by our unavoidable responsibilities? Or…. are we simply idealistic beings always believing that something better will come about?

This Full Moon will have us pondering on such questions and will provoke us to look at the GREATER PICTURE, to see and feel how linked up we are to so much more than just ourselves.

Bravo to so many of us who recently had to make life changing decisions and considering this planetary influence the decision would have been surprising. I can assure you though that most decisions made around this Full Moon will put us straight back onto the right path.

In Astrology we are compelled, influenced and tickled by the planets and stars. This statement seems to negate free will however if we ask the question “has mankind the ability to overcome the pressures of the cosmos” the answer would be yes.

There is always s-o-m-e-t-h-i-n-g manipulating and maneuvering our every second yet we regularly forget just how “out of control” we actually are. It is time to be a little more aware of the every day pushes and pulls and Astrology can help.

To work with Astrology assists us in knowing how to make the most of certain elements, influences and cosmic events. It teaches us (if worked with properly) what energetic waves to surf on and when.

I bring this all up now because we have indeed entered Eclipse season and our planetary influences will be crowning over the next 10 weeks. I will have much to say and share about this as the weeks pass.

Thinking about all this, know that we can overcome the grandiose pressures of the cosmos if we choose to work with the supportive facts that arrive with the various upcoming Astro events.

Lets talk about the importance of this particular “almost” Eclipse and Full Moon in Aquarius.  When we think of Aquarius we think of FREEDOM and not just any FREEDOM but one that promotes unpredictable expressions.

If the world is walking to the left the Aquarian energy will happily rebel to the right. This can be seen as predictable yet the key theme here is not to conform or do what is PREDICTABLE. Aquarius wants what is best futuristically and generally on a humanitarian level. It also needs to be fuelled by invention and expansion that encompasses more than just petty detail.

Since this almost Lunar Eclipse is singing on the Aquarian Star we can predict a shower of unpredictable expression (incoming and outgoing). We can also guarantee that ALL of us will be compelled to rise up to a level of being that cares for the greater purpose and wants to think about the world, all its people and how we do have a role in serving each other collectively.

I know this may not be as specific as you wish so to narrow it down I will tell you that whatever crazy impulsive feelings you have experienced over the last 2 weeks are directly connected to this Full Moon. Allot of the “out of this world” ideas that support inventive projects are worth your while. If you have been yearning for community and social outings this too is connected.

To maximize this Full Moons magic over the next 3 days, consider the following:

  • attend group / social spiritual gatherings or humanitarian workshops
  • write down all the “out of this world” ideas that pop into your creative mind
  • pursue at least one of the “out of this world” ideas
  • inspire and support underprivileged youth
  • connect with children and play fun games that connect you with your inner child
  • make jewelry
  • think of ways to contribute to your local environment / community
  • think big
  • join / support a cause
  • dance an electric dance
  • use indigo or bright purple colours
  • trust in the closure that arrives through communication (direct or indirect)
  • make positive aspirations
  • work with crystals
  • honour ancestors
  • write

Here is a poem by the wonderful Marlow Brooks that I feel connects to this Full Moons theme:


After the rain hits hard

It breaks through

And sets the dew on fire

Looking forward to hear from you all and to know how this Full Moon is unfolding for you?

Please feel free to share your feedback here. I am taking bookings for September now.

Some closing notes:

If we really look into “where this will to continue comes from” we will find an immaculate loving golden heart. We continue because we are ALL linked up from the heart and the love that can be experienced (even for a second) outlasts all the doubts that arise when contemplating existence.

This Full Moon wants us to respect and remember how we are all in this together. Yes, we have gone over this phrase quite a few times though it is probably never ever really enough. Lets remember the glory of interconnected-ness. Lets remember just how important it is to see the bigger picture and to choose wise compassion for all beings no matter what.

Love and light,
